Journal_published 2020 THE SUPLEMENTATION OF WATER ADDITIVE KIMCHISTOC COULD PREVENT NATURAL INFECTION OF AVIAN INFLUENZA IN BROILER Penambahan Water Additive Kimchi Dapat Mencegah Infeksi Alami Flu Burung (Avian Influenza) pada Ayam Pedaging I Putu Cahyadi Putra1, Raden Wasito2, Hastari Wuryastuty3* 1Mahasiswa Sekolah Pascasarjana Program Studi Sain Veteriner, 2Departemen Patologi, 3*Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam, Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jl. Fauna No.2 Kampus UGM,Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55281 ABSTRACT Subclinical infection of avian influenza (AI) in day old chick (DOC) has potential to interfere the success of vaccination programs. Therefore, an alternative ways to increase avian innate immunity in preventing…
Patent Certificates for Anti-viral & Anti-bacterial Activities
Patent Certificates for Anti-viral & Anti-bacterial Activities We have Korean Patent for Anti-viral & Anti-bacterial efficacy, and China Patent for Anti-viral efficacy
East African Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Life Science
Dr. Wasito Thesis_Thesis&Journal (Click on the title above) The effect of Water Additive Commercial(KimchiStoc) on Natural Avian Influenza Virus Infection of Broiler Chickens: Pathological and Immunopathological Approach Abstract: Avian Influenza virus(AIV) infection in chickens causes huge economic losses so that a solutin is needed to overcome outbreak, namely through vaccination. However, administration of AIV vaccines can possibly initiate AIV subclinical infections in chickens. Therefore, another alternative approach is needed to prevent AIV infection, one of them is water additive commercial(KimchiStoc). The purpose of the present study was to study effect of KimchiStoc against natural AIV infection in broiler chickens on…
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition
983-988 PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION PUBLISHED (Click on the title above) The effect of the Water Additive KimchiStoc as an Herbal Growth Promoter on the Jejunal Histological and Ultrastructural Changes of Broiler Chickens Abstract Background and Objective: There has been a great deal of attention on the use of herbal feed additives for replacing the utility of antimicrobial agents. The objective of the present study was to investigate the effect of adding KimchiStoc to drinking water on the histological and ultrastructural changes of the villi in the jejunum of broiler chickens. Materials and Methods: Fifty one-day-old broiler chickens, strain Cobb,…
What is KimchiStoc?
What is KimchiStoc? KimchiStoc contains fermented metabolites of lactic acid bacteria culture which is originated from Korean Kimchi, and this fermented metabolites has strong anti-bacterial and anti-viral activities Advantages Powerful anti-bacterial & anti-viral activities No toxicity, No residue problem Synergistic effect with antibiotics against bacterial & viral diseases Mortality decrease & Disease prevention FCR improvement & Growth, Productivity acceleration High stability to heat(100℃ for 24h) and pH(3-5) 브로슈어 PDF 다운로드