The Influence of Curative Effect by Using PROMOZEN-L with Antibiotics
The influence of curative effect by using PROMOZEN-L with antibiotics CRD, Mycoplasmosis, CCRD which are the most serious problem in broiler and layer farm cause a economic losses every year. Those cause respiratory and digestive disease because of simple or complex infection of genital organ, digestive organ, and respiratory diseases in loss of immunity. Antibiotics such as Tyrosine, Erythromycin, Tiamulin, Ampicillin, Collistin, Doxycyclin have been used to treat CCRD, but medical cure has been reduced because of the antibiotic tolerance. Therefore, this trial is to evaluate the efficacy of remedial value when medicating PROMOZEN-L extracted natural plant with antibiotics.
Oriental Medicine in Promozen
Diospyrus Lotus Promote gastric and intestinal juice secretion Stimulate digestion Promote intestinal villi growth Anti-bacterial and anti-viral action Superoxide dismutase activation Promote appetite Artemisiae Capillaris Promote bile production and secretion Improve liver and kidney function Anti-bacterial and anti-viral action Anti-inflammatory action Stimulate immune reaction
What is Promozen?
What is Promozen? Promozen is a gastrointestinal tract(GIT) health enhancer for poultry & swine based on activated natural organic acids and trace minerals extracted from oriental plants Advantages Healthy GIT Healthy Organ Detoxification Good Digestibility Synergistic Effect with Antibiotics & Vaccines